FS Kids 


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” –Proverbs 22:6

Scripture is packed with verses that describe how important our influence is with children. Why? Because children matter to God!  Our goal is to obey God’s words and show every child that they are loved, valued, and prayed for!  We want to partner with families and equip parents to lead their kids in their spiritual growth. We desire to help families know about the life and love of Jesus Christ so they can be a Christ-like example to the world that desperately needs to see Him in and through us!


FS Nursery: (Birth-2 years)

We have a fully staffed nursery during each service.


FS Preschool (3 years-Kindergarten)

Sundays @ 9:00 & 10:30 am

Wednesdays @ 6:45 pm (Family Life Center in the back campus)

Classes include games, crafts, worship, and Bible lessons that will encourage the children to know and grow in Jesus Christ!

Preview this month’s Preschool/Kindergarten​ curriculum.


FS KIDS (1st-6th grade)

Sundays @ 9:00 am

Sunday School
(Will not meeting during the summer. Will resume on August 18.)
Sundays @ 10:30 am
FS KIDS start in the main service with their parents. Before the sermon begins, the kids dismiss to class which includes a kid friendly Bible lesson and game.

Preview this month’s elementary curriculum.


Wednesdays (Family Life Center in the back campus)
Open Gym 6:30 pm
Children’s Class 6:45-7:45 pm
Our mid-week class includes large group Bible lesson, music, and a game. Following large group, the kids break out into small groups for further discussions and activities.